Are you Bikini Ready !?!
Summer is coming and with it comes short shorts, tank tops and the B-word….Bikinis! We are all a little nervous to start peeling off our winter layers, but with a few simple tips we can get on track and ready to hit the beach in time for summer. Here are three simple fit tips for feeling confident while rocking your best bikini body this summer.
TIP #1 – Make a plan to hit the gym near you or a workout near you at least 2-3 times a week. With weekend getaways, sangria, and late nights just around the corner, it’s important to keep your commitment to staying in shape. Get up earlier and enjoy the sunrise as you jog along the seawall. We do live in the most beautiful city Vancouver BC, where you can do the Grouse Grind after work, yoga in the park, or just go for a walk or bike ride on the sea wall during your lunch hour. Get your sweat on during your Gravity Training Session a couple of times a week at Tsquared Personal Training. It is important to actually make the time and schedule your workouts into your agenda. Get your sweat on and get your heart rate up every day or at the very least 2-3 times per week!
TIP #2 – Eat the Rainbow, in other words, eat a variety of fruits and veggies. Another great thing about summer is the fresh local fruits, berries, and farm-fresh produce found at any of Vancouver’s Farmers Markets. Fruits and veggies are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water, and fiber to keep your diet balanced and your body healthy. Include 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of veggies per day for women, for men 5 servings of fruits and 6 servings of veggies daily. Fill half your plate with salad or veggies, make a healthy protein smoothie for breakfast and put a handful of spinach in it, or keep some frozen blueberries or grapes in the freezer for a guilt-free frozen treat.
TIP #3 – Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! You need at least 6-8 8 ounce glasses of water daily, more if you are exercising or sweating a lot. Plain old water can get boring, so stay hydrated with iced teas, flavored water, or sparkling spring water. Brew your favorite teas and chill, no need to add all that sugar you find in iced teas in the stores, if you do want to add a little sweetness try stevia or adding some frozen berries or fruit. Sparkling Spring Water is also a good choice, no sugar or calories if you want a zip or flavor try adding a slice of lemon, lime, orange, sprigs of mint leaves, thinly sliced watermelon or a few berries. Be wary of all those calorie-laden iced coffee drinks, why not make a Chai Vanilla Vega Smoothie blended with ice or Chocolate Vega with cold coffee and ice, a refreshing iced latte with a serving of protein, full of vitamins, nutritious and tasty, minus all the sugar and fat found in those sweet coffee shop concoctions.
Have fun, stay fit and see you at the beach!