How to Improve Posture: Sitting, Standing, Sleeping
Have you ever been told to “don’t slouch so much” or “sit up straight”? Have you ever thought why? Are you upset at the person for nagging you? For one, slouching or standing with a hunch back or rounded shoulder does not look good. And second, maintaining the wrong posture by slouching can, over time, affect the spine severely. And it leads to spine-related conditions like back pain and disc damage. Remember when your Mom told you not to hold that face too long, or it will freeze like that? Well, it’s true! To avoid this, one must learn to maintain good form and posture, especially during your workout. There are also certain exercises on how to improve posture. Have you never given your posture a thought before? It’s time you learn how to improve posture to prevent injuries and live a better, more comfortable life.
Improving your Posture at Work
To improve your posture, be aware of how your posture is throughout your day. The correct posture should parallel the forearms to the floor when you type (for example). In addition, the back has to be straight so that your spinal column and muscles can sufficiently support the position you need to be in. Anytime you become aware that you may be slouching, sit up taller, lift your chest and keep your back straight.
Make sure that the desk and chair you’re sitting and on are suited to your ergonomic needs. If possible, get an ergonomic evaluation done and change the surroundings according to your individual height needs.
Do postural exercises throughout your day. For example, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down for 30 seconds. Next, bring your arms and hands straight up over your head (for 30 seconds) while sitting up. Squeeze also your head with your biceps or upper arms with your hands on your upper shoulders. You can also squeeze your stomach in and keep it that way for as long as possible. Do this by exhaling forcefully, and once you have exhaled completely, hold your stomach tight, don’t forget to continue to breathe. There is a vicious rumor going around that breathing helps us live.
Work in on Improving your core strength (stomach and abdominal muscles). Building your core muscles and making them stronger will help immensely to improve your posture.
A temporary fix would be to Invest in a back or shoulder brace. It helps to keep your shoulders back and does not allow you to round forward. You can also talk to your Physio or Chiropractor to try taping techniques.
Ways to Improve Posture While Seated.
The same principles that apply when sitting in an office chair apply here too. Adding to these points, firmly place your feet on the ground. If they don’t reach the ground, lower your chair or use a footrest to rest your feet flat on.
Use a small pillow as a buffer between your lower back and the back of the chair. This will help reduce the pressure on the back and make it a little more comfortable.
Never leans or slouch forward in your chair as it will put pressure on your anterior spine and discs. Instead, always sit up straight and be tall.
Arrange your desk so that everything is within reach, and you do not need to bend too much to get them. Also, have your primary computer monitor right in front of you. If it’s not, and you are constantly turning, looking, or moving in one direction, you will also build muscular imbalances and postural issues. I see many people who twist in one direction, and they don’t realize this until pointed out. You can easily rectify these issues.
Take breaks regularly to stretch and release the built-up tension in your muscles. Set the alarm to remind you to do this.
Methods of Improving Posture While Sleeping
There are several ways to improve posture while sleeping.
Choose a firm mattress to sleep on. This is the best option, as a soft mattress will sink too deep and cause the spine to curve dramatically.
Sleep on your back as much as possible, with a small or no pillow as this will help keep your shoulders aligned.
If this is not possible or comfortable, then sleep on either side but never on the stomach.
Put a thin pillow between your legs to help relieve any pressure.
You can have a pillow under your head or a rolled-up towel under your neck to keep a more natural position.
Improving One’s Posture – General Tips
Always bend at your knees when picking up something from the floor, never in the back.
When walking, equally distribute the pressure of your body. For example, avoid standing with the entire weight on one leg.
Learning exercises means posture improvement.
How to Improve Posture
Maintaining the correct posture takes a lot of discipline. But the results that it brings about could save you from several disorders and lend you a look of confidence. It will also make you more attractive to the opposite sex or the Ideal partner, So take notes and try to implement them today.