Five Tips: HIIT Workouts for Beginners
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is all the rage in fitness circles. Many people see tremendous benefits from their HIIT workouts for beginners program, from hardcore athletes to gym newcomers. It’s a great way to lose fat, tone your body, and improve your athletic ability. However, you might be intimidated by the intensity if you’re new to high-intensity interval training. Here’s a reason the first “I” stands for intensity.
Never fear. You can get the most out of your HIIT workout and stay safe while doing it. Familiarize yourself with these tips before you start training. In no time, you’ll see progress like you never have before!
Start at Your Own Pace
Getting started is the hardest part of any new activity. Congratulations on committing to getting in the best shape you can. Remember, it’s okay to be a novice; don’t try to keep up with anyone else.
Your workout is about you. So when you’re beginning a new program, it’s essential to go at your own pace and not compare yourself to others.
If you establish a good form early, it will help you progress faster and guard against injuries. So the first few times you tackle your HIIT workout, focus on practicing good form and technique; speed will come later.
Establish a fitness base before jumping right into interval training if you are brand new to working out. Spend two to four weeks doing general conditioning. Get your body used to exercising and recovering from strenuous activity and familiarize yourself with various equipment.
Once you’ve built up good workout habits, you’ll be better equipped to blast through your HIIT program.
Adjust Your Workload as You Get Stronger
The more you work out, the stronger you’ll get. Then, gradually increase the difficulty of your interval training to continue making gains.
You can increase the frequency of your workouts or make them longer. You can also adjust your time in high-intensity moves versus low intensity.
Keep challenging your body to improve, don’t adjust all the variables of your workout at once. For example, if you choose to add an extra day, don’t make each day more intense. Instead, do it until you get comfortable with the increase in frequency.
Gradual progression will produce sustained results. But overdoing your workout puts you at risk of injury or burning out.
You won’t see overnight changes no matter how great your workout is. So be patient with your progress.
Allow for Adequate Recovery During Your Workout
As the name suggests, a HIIT workout is intense. So make sure you build in adequate time in your workout for your body to recover.
Likewise, don’t neglect a proper warm-up before you begin interval training. Begin each workout with a dynamic stretch and ease into the intensity. This will help guard against injury and assure that you get the most out of your routine.
For HIIT beginners, consider pairing one high-intensity move with three or four rest parts. Jog or run for 30 seconds, for example, then walk for two minutes to recover.
You must bring your heart rate back down below the target level. It is to help your body benefit from the type of workout you’re putting it through. Going too hard, too fast, or too long will negate your efforts.
When you’re more likely to complete the entire workout, you will build up your stamina slowly, and you won’t want to quit. Physically and psychologically, giving up on your workout makes it harder to tackle the next one.
Vary Your HIIT Workouts for Beginners to Avoid Boredom
There are so many ways you can personalize your workout and keep it interesting. You aren’t bound to do the same routine just because you’ve opted for interval training.
Working with a personal trainer is a great way to learn new moves and add variety to your workout. You can feel confident that you’ll get the intensity you need, but you won’t be bored by too much repetition.
You can do HIIT workouts anywhere. If you prefer exercising outside, you can craft a program to run or jog through Stanley park around the seawall or along Jericho Beach.
If you prefer to use the machines at the gym, you can easily incorporate the treadmill rowing machine and other cardio equipment into your fitness program. Then, you’re only bound by your imagination to design the perfect workout program for you.
On the go? You can also modify your HIIT workout to fit your busy travel schedule. All you need is a small space in your hotel room, your body weight, and the determination to keep going.
Listen to Your Body
As with any workout, it’s easy to get overly excited and do too much. Instead, listen to your body and avoid burning out.
If you’re feeling sore, adjust your program. Consider taking an extra day off if you’ve been working out intensely.
This is especially important for beginners. Until your body is comfortable with your new pace, catching up to your mind will take time.
Be sure you’re eating correctly and getting enough sleep and water. Your body is only as capable as how you feel.
After a workout, be sure to cool down properly. Build recovery time into your gym routine. Be sure to replenish yourself with the proper vitamins and nutrients.
A post-workout protein shake will give your body the energy it needs to rebuild muscle fibers and prepare for more intense workouts. Of course, it is tempting to push your body beyond its limits. You will need to be smart and listen to your body when it says it’s time for a break.
Frequently Asked Question
Question: What are some fitness and health tips for beginners who are new to HIIT workouts?
Answer: Beginners to HIIT workouts should start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of their workouts over time. It is also important to warm up before each workout and cool down afterwards. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed. Focus on proper form over speed to avoid injury. Finding a workout buddy or joining a HIIT class can help you stay motivated and accountable. If you’re looking for the best personal trainers in Vancouver, look no further than T-Squared Vancouver Personal Training.
The Best Shape of Your Life is Within Reach
You can have the body you want if you’re willing to work for it. We would love to help you achieve all your fitness goals and live the life you want to live.
Our personal fitness trainers are skilled in working with people from all backgrounds and experience levels. So you can feel comfortable just as your fitness levels are.
We offer small group classes and personal training sessions, so you can decide what works best for your needs and schedule. We’ve got you covered. So are you looking to bulk up with weightlifting or gain flexibility with pilates? Or are you improving your tone and athleticism through a HIIT workouts for beginners?
Get to know our trainers and book your session today!