Maximize Your Exercise in Vancouver Using Total Gym
Indeed, staying healthy and fit can present a real fitness challenge. For instance, you can’t get the time to go to a fitness center or gym nearby. Or you don’t have ready access to effective exercise equipment. Sure, you can get out on a hiking or biking trail and get yourself some cardio. However, resistance strength training exercises will push you. They provide you with many more fitness benefits for seniors, athletes, or the regular Jane or Joe. And the workouts will challenge all your fitness systems – cardio, strength, and flexibility – simultaneously. As a result, you will get the maximum of your exercise in Vancouver using your total gym fitness equipment.
What about maintaining or building up your muscle strength while also improving your flexibility and cardio? Owning a room full of dumbbells and workout equipment is one option. It does take some space in your house. But it is one of the best uses of space. And you’ll need at least a small bedroom. There are also bulky all-in-one home gyms. Unfortunately, they also take up a lot of room as well.
Maximize Your Exercise in Vancouver Using A Compact Equipment
One fabulous solution is to use a single, compact, and simple pulley machine that utilizes your body weight to get your workout in. The Total Gym Gravity training system is an awesome piece of fitness equipment. Not only does it save space, but it also offers hundreds of health club intense exercises that you can adjust to your abilities. All you need is a Total Gym or dial it up with a Gravity trainer and add your body’s muscular strength. And get the most of your exercise in Vancouver.
The GTS is the pinnacle of the Total Gym models. We’ll use the general features of all Total Gyms to lay out a series of home training programs for various fitness levels. We’ll start with a beginner fitness circuit that’s also excellent for senior fitness programs. Finally, we’ll show you some more difficult activities using the gravity trainer for great intermediate or advanced fitness levels.
The Total Gym Theory
The Total Gym GTS is one of the most versatile models of fitness equipment from Total Gym. It is a full-size commercial fitness version that can accommodate various body types, fitness levels, and workout objectives. With a Total Gym Gravity trainer, you can perform hundreds of challenging exercise in Vancouver routines using any Total Gym.
The Total Gym concept takes your body weight and applies simple gravity using an adjustable incline to challenge your body to improve its strength. Combining both factors increases the level of intensity more than individual activities such as push-ups or pull-ups. This workout is called a high-intensity maximum resistance workout, and if your trainer uses one, you will have killer results. By adjusting the main support column, you can change the angle of gravity, making it easier or harder. You can also add extra weight up to 500 total lb or 225 kg. In addition, each Total Gym comes with various fitness accessories that you can add to your Total Gym.
Different cable attachments and handles, and other fitness accessories allow you to take a single machine. And they allow you to perform multiple fitness exercises for your workouts that require multiple pieces of fitness equipment. Use different tower angles, plus vary the pull and grip position length. There’s not a muscle on your body that won’t be exercised, strengthened, or feel the effects of gravity.
When you unpack and assemble your new Total Gym, you’ll have everything you need to start fitness training. Just bring your body. Now, let’s take a look at three fitness levels. And give you an idea of how many types of workouts you can perform using your Total Gym training system. And how to get the most of your exercise in Vancouver.
Total Gym Workout Program Summary
Each of the exercise moves in your three programs is illustrated in your Total Gym owner’s manual. You’ll also have access to Total Gym workout DVDs or Workouts on YouTube. It is to help you better understand how to use proper form and techniques. For example, while counting reps is fine, it’s often easier to hit a target time. Instead, use a timer, or do it if you are good at counting and sweating.
Each of the individual exercise moves will have a target time recommended. If you are not fatigued when you reach the minute, increase the time or intensity of the exercise in Vancouver. This will also help you utilize the benefits of high-intensity maximum resistance interval training as your fitness level improves. One benefit of each of these workouts is the total-body workout and efficient use of valuable time.
Wording Can’t Figure Better.
The first step you need to remember is to warm up and repeat it for every level, no matter what workout program you’re using. Take time to warm up. This can be a few minutes of light cardio, or use your Total Gym as a traditional rowing machine. I love starting with the largest muscle group and everyone’s most hated Leg exercises. The key point is to remember to warm up, get your heart rate up, muscles more limber and blood flowing. You can do that by doing squats, rowing, or any cardio exercise. Now that you’re loosened up, let’s get started.
Beginner and Senior Total Gym Programs
Leg Squats
This is a simple move that targets your thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and calf muscles. It is an excellent way to start to raise your target heart rate as well. You can alternate circuits between double regular squats, sumo squats, and uni-lateral one-leg pistol squats to target a weaker leg. After doing a few minutes warm-up, do a one-minute circuit for each exercise.
Chest Press
The next exercise can be performed by changing your position on the glide board. Sit at the top of the glide board with your legs straight or crossed (crossed is more challenging on your core muscles). When you’ve set the cables and handles up for the chest press, you can hammer out 20, 30, or more (the more, the merrier). Perform the standard chest press until failure.
Seated Row
You’ll now hit the antagonist muscle group of the pec muscles for this exercise. Turn around on the glide board and adjust the cable angle and column height to fit your strength level. You will now perform the basic seated row for another one-minute interval.
You should notice that you’ve warmed up your muscles. Then increasing your target heart rate gradually and then infusing a full three minutes of strength moves. Next, work to become more familiar with your machine and your body limitations.
As you do your workouts, you’ll get the maximum benefit from each exercise during your home workout. However, as healthy and intense intervals get, if you still need some rest, take one. For beginners and seniors, use this period as a one-minute recovery period. Then, decrease your breaks as you get stronger.
Biceps Curl
Facing your tower, sit or kneel for a more advanced position on the glide board. Grasp the handles one in each hand and perform the standard seated or kneeling biceps curl. Make this move for one minute, or pick how many reps you’d like to do. Typically, 20 reps take about 1 minute.
Triceps Extension
Continuing with the antagonist muscle theory and interval training concept. Start this while still kneeling. Crouch down into a fetal position, with your elbows at your side, press back until your arms are straight behind you. Do a one-minute superset circuit of triceps extensions and bicep curls. Repeat the same amount of reps or more if you can. Your triceps are a bigger muscle group and will make your arms stronger and bigger.
Abdominal Crunch
Beginners and seniors will be happy to know that the Total Gym provides many ways to work your core and full-body. Typically, the core muscles are a neglected part of your body due to your sitting lifestyle. Pretty much 90% of the exercises you can do on the Total gym involve core exercises. Facing the same way for the leg squats, adjust the column height to perform a basic forward crunch. Laying on the glide board while holding the handles with your hands directly over your head. Pull your arms up towards the ceiling, reaching as high as you can without bending elbows. Try to reach your knees while lifting your head and shoulders as you pull over your head. Do one minute of crunches.
Rest and Repeat
If you need a rest or water break, take a short break but get back on it sooner rather than later. If you don’t need a break, go for another set. Doing more of a superset will progress your fitness faster. Now, you can repeat the previous circuit. This will give you a full 16-minute exercise program that is a great beginner or senior citizen workout.
Intermediate Total Gym Workout Programs
We’ll now adjust certain aspects of the beginner program for those at an intermediate fitness level to challenge you more. However, you’ll notice we’re sticking to the same high-intensity maximum resistance interval training theory.
One nice thing about using target times instead of repetitions is that you can adjust the length of your workouts. Again, it is to fit into schedule changes in your life. You can efficiently gauge your workout time, adding to or just getting in a quick workout.
Regular squats
Start with warming up your legs like before with the beginner workout suggested. Then, you can vary your foot position doing sumo-style squats or regular shoulder-width squats.
Single-Leg squats
We’ll start out using the same exercise as the beginner’s workout uses. However, the focus is on the single-leg motion. You can cross your foot over at your knee to get a great stretch in your glutes and piriformis muscles. Your intermediate program adds minutes onto this fitness circuit, making it a full two-minute segment.
Chest Press
The intermediate workout moves straight to a chest press as well. One key difference will be the change in the chest muscle area we target. Use the standard chest press for this first circuit, hitting your one-minute target time.
Surfer Row
As your fitness improves, you’ll be able to increase the difficulty of the exercises you add to your home fitness program. For example, add a surfer row or the full stretch to the rowing motion on a Total Gym. It will help improve flexibility while adding difficulty to the motion. Do this surfer Row for one minute or two.
Rest and recovery are one key difference as you improve your fitness levels. Your objective is to maximize your fitness results in the most efficient amount of time for you. Your first few workouts through the more difficult intermediate circuit will benefit from limiting the amount of rest you take. After that, the harder you work out safely, the better results you will have.
Prone Biceps Curl
Each exercise challenges you in the intermediate fitness program, adding an added degree of difficulty. Lay in prone facing up with your bum at the top of the glide board. You will now do a full one-minute circuit of bicep curls. You will notice the increased level of resistance in this position on your Total Gym. Do this exercise for a full minute or until the failure of your muscles.
Prone Triceps Extension
This triceps move raises the level of difficulty slightly. You can increase the resistance on your triceps by raising the column angle to increase the gravitational forces. Just lay on your glide board so that your head is now at the top of the glide board. And your feet are at the bottom. Also, while your shoulders are at a 90% angle to the glide board, extending your forearms. It is so that your arms are fully extended at a 90-degree angle to the glide board. This is another one-minute segment or for added benefits that go to failure.
Resistance Ab Crunches
As with the other exercise motions in our intermediate program, you can raise the level of difficulty. Raise the Total Gym levels or increase the weight to add to your workout. Use the cables and tower height to increase gravity. Do this with your back on the glide board and knees bent with your feet on the bottom of the glide board. The more gravity you experience during this exercise and movement, the more resistance you can add to this exercise to improve your fitness levels.
Rinse and Repeat
You can repeat this full-body circuit second or third time for the intermediate fitness levels. Again, each chest segment should be changed. The second and third circuits can use the seated close-grip or wide-grip chest press motions or even kneeling. This will help you to target the full spectrum of chest and core muscles.
Advanced Total Gym Programs
Now, let’s look at a program that will challenge even some individuals’ most advanced and fittest advanced fitness. Each of these stages targets muscles and muscle groups similarly. However, you’re raising the bar on the level of intensity, weight, and time. Intensity and time are the keys, with limited rest intervals at a minimum. Our advanced program for the Total Gym is not for the faint of heart.
Regular squats
Start with warming up your legs like before with the beginner and intermediate workout suggested. Then you can vary your foot position doing sumo-style squats or regular shoulder-width squats. Finally, add in a plyometric squat for 1 minute to increase the intensity of your workout.
Single-Leg Press Jump
We’ll continue to ramp up the target heart rate as we did in both of the previous workouts. However, you’ll use the single leg squat with a power jump motion. This will test your quads, hamstrings, and calves. Do this for another two-minute or more opening circuit.
Lat pull-ups overhand and reverse grip
Laying on your chest with the pull-up bars in the second position, grab the bar with an overhand or underhand grip, and pull up. You can superset this with the overhand and reverse grip.
Chest Press
The advanced-level chest circuits will begin with a basic chest press move. After that, each segment will dramatically increase the level of difficulty. This first chest press circuit is a one-minute segment. Chest flies sitting in the same position as your chest press reach your arms out. As if you’re going to give a big hug to someone. Bring your arms, keeping them straight to bring your hands together as you’re doing a clap with your arms straight.
Kneeling Row
Many of the most difficult moves using your Total Gym result from changing the body angle and increasing the balance and force of gravity. When you kneel, the physics applied by the tower height is increased. This will add to the difficulty levels of the exercises. You should kneel and row for one minute or to failure. If you need a bigger challenge, then increase the weight and intensity you are using.
If you need to do it, reduce the amount of rest time for the duration of your workout down to 15-seconds and lower. Again, this is a high-intensity fitness circuit.
Kneeling Biceps Curl
Advanced levels can begin with one segment of the kneeling biceps curl. Then, additional circuits can diversify the motion by doing the more difficult single-arm seated curl. You can also use a plyometric workout as your curling and alternating your arms. Keep the glide board still while only moving your arms to increase the level of difficulty seriously.
Kneeling Triceps Extension
As with many of the other exercise moves, the kneeling position changes the angle of the gravitational forces to increase resistance. The kneeling triceps extension accomplishes this well.
As with all fitness circuits in these programs, make these moves for one minute each. During the third set through this circuit, you can boost the intensity level by doing the single-arm lateral triceps extension. This isolates each arm individually.
Abdominal Circuit
For the advanced levels, it is nice to build a strong core and add some diversity. Use different Total Gym core moves during this segment. You can begin with the normal seated crunch. Other sets can use the lateral trunk rotation, leg curl with a crunch, or versions of the jackknife. Each abdominal circuit should be another full minute.
Rinse and Repeat
Advanced fitness levels can work three full circuits. This will be a very intense fitness workout. This is more true as you begin to minimize your rest periods down to 15 seconds or less. When you’re advancing through your advanced Total Gym workout, you will feel the results of gravity. It is hard to resist and to addict.
Use Total Gym and Maximize Your Exercise in Vancouver
Remember, the key element to these fitness workouts is intensity and time. As you progress through different fitness levels, be S.M.A.R.T or Specific (simple, sensible, significant). Measurable (meaningful, motivating). Achievable (agreed, attainable). Relevant (reasonable, realistic, and resourced, results-based). Time-sensitive (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive). All of these will benefit your fitness results faster than you can imagine. These help you get the most of your exercise in Vancouver.
Be S.M.A.R.T about your progress. Work up to the next level at your best level, work at the most you can. Don’t go too fast and injure yourself. If you feel pain, stop, or you will have defeated your primary purpose. Consistency is the key.
During the fitness programs and when you change body positions, always remember to staying hydrated. After a few workouts through our Total Gym workouts, you will see a tremendous improvement in your strength, flexibility, and endurance.
It might seem difficult to believe, right? But, a single simple machine that can be folded up against the wall can be combined with gravity and your body weight. And how it can offer exercises that produce the results a Total Gym will produce. XLS or ultimate Total Gym GTS machine? Whatever you choose, bring your body and Total Gym workout with the help of good old gravity. Then, you will do the rest. And maximize your exercise in Vancouver.